Recruitment, selection and retention theory is based on an organisation success of hiring and retaining valuable employees.


Recruiting skilled or educated employees saves cost because an organisation will spend less time training a skilled candidate. Employers will list required qualifications when posting a job opening.


Many organisations use a variety of tools and technologies to assess a candidate's abilities, allowing them to chose the most qualified candidates to proceed in the interview process. Assessing candidate's skills allows the organisation to focus on other qualifications during an interview.


Part of the recruitment and selection process can include assessing the candidate's true interest in the organisation and position, which can lead to hiring a long-term employee. Retention can also include offering salary and benefits that will offer a good work environment.


Organizations that have developed a successful recruitment, selection and retention theory often have a low resignation rate, which can save an organisation a significant amount of time and money. Hiring and training can be costly for an organisation.


Extensive research and organizational involvement--including human resources, department managers and valued employees--should be considered when developing principles and policies. Many considerations can lead to successful recruitment, selection and retention.