Although notice boards are more commonly associated with education settings, they can be used in the office to help promote teamwork and a positive atmosphere amongst employees. Create professional-looking notice boards with posters, cut-out letters and borders.

Refrain from posting anything too childish, since the notice boards will be in public areas of the office and may be viewable by potential clients or customers.

Getting to Know You

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preparing the file image by Pix by Marti from

In large office environments, co-workers may know someone's name, but not much about them. Encourage camaraderie in the office by creating a board that highlights particular personnel or department. Include photos of employees at work and add fun facts about each department, such as how many phone calls the receptionist handles in a day, how many pieces of mail are processed by the mailroom in a month or the quantity of bills paid out by the accounting department in a year.

Recognise individuals who have completed additional education, awarded certification or received a promotion.

Team Building

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office image by peter Hires Images from

Sometimes a simple message is all that is needed to build teamwork or inspire a staff. Add inspirational posters to a notice board with a particular message or quality that the workplace might appreciate. Consider using themes such as perseverance, ethics or success.

Personalise the message by highlighting a poster and then including a brief story about how someone in the office or community displayed that particular theme.

Calendar of Events

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Sunday to Saturday monthly calendar, 2008 Year image by Stasys Eidiejus from

Create a large notice board that looks like a large calendar. List important events on the calendar, such as company meetings, upcoming deadlines, employee hire anniversaries and employee birthdays. Keep in mind that some employees may not wish to have their birthdays publicly known, so allow employees to opt out.

Place the calendar notice board in a prominent public place, such as the break room or across from the elevators.

Technology Ideas

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computer keyboard and mouse image by Warren Millar from

Allow the IT department to create some notice boards that explain certain technical terms or things to look out for when working on the computer.

Create a fall-themed notice board that reminds workers to "Fall Into the Habit of Saving Files," which features a tree with falling leaves and mini computers. Remind workers to backup files regularly, and save them into manageable folders that can be easily accessed.

Feature other computer news that may be of interest to employees, such as problematic viruses or websites which should be avoided while on company computers. Consider including a list of blocked websites.