How to Make a Payment on a Capital One Credit Card
Paying your credit card on time will help save you money. You can incur hefty fees if you fail to pay by the due date, and if the late payments show up on your credit report, your credit scores will drop, which can translate to higher interest payments and difficulty obtaining loans. You can pay your Capital One credit card bill by mail or online.
Pay by check, and mail your payment to Capital One Bank, P.O. Box 60599, City of Industry, CA 91716-0599. Write your account number on your check, and include the payment stub that comes with your monthly bill.
Visit the Capital One website, and enrol to manage your accounts (see Resources). This will allow you to pay online. Click on the "Enroll here" link on the upper left-hand corner of the website's home page.
Click on "Enroll" next to "Credit Cards."
Read the terms, and if you agree, click "Yes."
Fill out your credit card information on the form, including your credit card number, expiration date, numbers from the back of the card, last four digits of your Social Security number and your birth date.
Create a user name and password for the account, and enter your e-mail address.
Choose three security questions using the online form.
Decide between going paperless or receiving your monthly bills via the post office. Click "Continue" to go to the next step.
Click "Continue to Accounts Summary." In the future, you will not need to repeat Steps 2 through 8; you can go to the website and log in, using the user name and password you created in Step 6.
Click on the tab "Pay Capital One." A payment window will open. Complete the form, and make a payment using your banking account.