How to fill out a self-appraisal form
Self-appraisal forms are increasingly used by employers to evaluate employee performance. Self-appraisal forms can ask for a variety of information, from your strengths and weaknesses to your recent accomplishments and future goals.
Your answers to questions on a self-appraisal form can then be used by your employer to assess your job performance. Knowing how to approach this challenging documentation can make your finished self-appraisal a testament to your hard work on the job.
Assess your daily activities. If you have several days to fill out your self-appraisal form, keep a notepad on hand throughout one regular workday and jot down every important work-related task that you complete. Review past projects and job responsibilities that you have taken on and think about all the actions that you needed to take to successfully complete them, then document them on your self-appraisal form.
List your major achievements for the period that is being reviewed for this performance appraisal. Don’t fall into the trap of only mentioning those projects you’ve worked on recently. If it is an annual performance evaluation, go back to the beginning of that year and track every project you have completed, selecting your greatest accomplishments to highlight on your self-appraisal form.
Determine your weaknesses. Everyone has at least one weakness, so don’t leave this area blank. Consider an aspect of your employee performance that you could do better. If possible, find a class or training seminar you could attend to strengthen your skills in this area, and ask that the company send you to it or reimburse your tuition costs.
Highlight your strengths. Some self-appraisal forms ask you to identify skills you could use more effectively. This is a good place in your performance appraisal to bring up any new projects that you believe you’re qualified to take on or to mention skills that merit a promotion or raise. Be sure to list your skills in a way that applies them to your job.
Set long- and short-term goals in your performance evaluation. If you know your employer is likely to suggest improvement in a certain area or specific goals for your job, beat him to the punch and list these goals yourself, along with steps you can take to reach them. A self-evaluation is the place to let managers know where you’re headed and to propose yourself for consideration if you suspect a job opening or the possibility for a promotion.
Keep track of the company appraisal policy and when your annual self-appraisal takes place so you can prepare for it before the forms hit your desk.